Jupiter Chain has been featured in an Ethereum World News article published on 17th July 2018, “Ushering in the Next Global Data Revolution with Jupiter Chain – Utilising Blockchain Technology to Transform How an Individual’s Data is Used”

Because participants can share data on Jupiter Chain anonymously, transactional and relationship data can be efficiently captured, analysed and utilized. Institutions, both large and small, can benefit by tailoring wealth management and investment products precisely to suit an individual. New ‘tech for good’ solutions can use psychometric and lifestyle data to provide new products and services that strive to promote better quality of life. Supply chain internets, previously invisible, can also be evaluated and studied for the first time.


Read the full article here: https://ethereumworldnews.com/ushering-in-the-next-global-data-revolution-with-jupiter-chain-utilising-blockchain-technology-to-transform-how-an-individuals-data-is-used/