Hi Jovians,
We’ve been working hard on Project Galileo to deploy our credit scoring model as a secret smart contract. This is technically challenging as data assessment for Jupiter Chain use cases are naturally more complex. For example, the credit scoring methodology we are deploying is a weighted score of four data matrixes. Each of these matrixes pulls information from up to a couple of hundred data entries.
We are happy to announce that we have managed to implement this without excessive lags or gas costs on our test platform. We are now testing this deployment and working to get this online for the public to try. However, due to the challenges we are facing, we are slightly delayed in pushing out the public demo. We hope to bring you an update in the next two weeks. The public would be able to try out our privacy-preserving credit scoring model with up to 10 personas for micro-lending.
We will post an update once this is ready. Do look out for it or subscribe to our mailing list to get an update.
Till next time!
Ernie Teo, CTO
Jupiter Chain